Monday, August 24, 2009

Bachelor's Degree

One of the main obstacles for me in this process is education. I joined the military with absolutely no college under my belt. Since then, I've achieved an Associates Degree, but most of those credits were from my military training. I really don't consider that degree a product of my academic studies.

So the first thing I have to work towards is my Bachelor's degree. As far as I know, neither the church nor the military cares what my Bachelor's degree is in; therefore I'm going to go with whatever degree I can get the quickest.

This was actually a hard decision for me. I definitely see the value in studying a subject that is either interesting or applicable. For instance, setting my major as "Religion" makes a lot of sense. But I think that no matter what I study, I'll be able to apply what I've learned to my career. Also, I think that whatever major ends up being the quickest for me will be both interesting AND applicable as long as I adopt the old adage: "It is what you make it."

So tonight I sign up for my first class towards my BA through the American Military University (AMU). It's called "Foundations for Online Learning" and is a requirement for all students at this University. To learn more about AMU check out their site: Wish me luck!

In Gassho,


  1. Hank, this is a topic I am definitely curious about. This blog is a great idea! Thanks for starting it.

    In Oneness,

  2. I'm an American Buddhist monk in Nepal (Tibetan tradition). I just wrote to the AF requesting information on becoming a chaplain, but haven't heard back yet. I may be too old by the time I return to the U.S.,though (nearly 38 now and plan to be here for several years). Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog.

  3. Why can't I get a comment posted?

  4. Ooops.. Now I think I'm there. What a hassle signing up with Google when you're illiterate.
    Anyway Son, I'm extraordinarily proud of you and I brag about you all the time. There is this fellow named Pete at the GateWay Learning Center who is really spiritual and he shook my hand and said I am blessed to have a son like you. I almost teared up and said "I know."
